Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: 1. Not what you signed up for. Of course, I want to just go over a few particulars of what you will be learning in this course. The first thing I want to put out front in this opening lecture is that there is no injury that you receive that is too small to file to receive VA benefits. Let me give you an example. An example is, and it's not well known, disfigurement doesn't only mean loss of limb as it concerns the veteran administration applying for benefits. You could receive a scar, a cut, a sore, or even severe sunburn that might have scarred your body years after, and those scars remaining years after your service. You can apply for disability for that disfigurement, and that doesn't include the larger injuries. 2. The first thing with the fully developed claim process is this: you need to gather as much information to substantiate any claim you have. The difference between the fully developed claim process and the standard claim process is that the fully developed claim process is a software, it's online, and it's instant. Everything you need, including all evidence that you want to submit, in addition to your personal information, must be submitted online uploaded as a PDF document. 3. Next, I want to encourage you. You're going to hear me say this several times throughout this video tutorial series, maybe more than several times because it is that important. The VA does offer a service which allows them to retrieve your personal medical records. The issue is that can literally, not only by my testimony but by the testimony of many other veterans, add four, five, or maybe even more months or years to your claim. You can get your medical...
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How to apply for va disability after discharge Form: What You Should Know
Veterans' Compensation for Post-9/11 Disabilities Note: This notice and associated application is only available to eligible applicants. VA Form 41-521 — Application for Services for Post-Hearing Brain Injury, Stroke, or Traumatic Brain Injury. Your claim statement can be filed and paid through the SO. You can obtain the form here. What can I do if I am not eligible for disability compensation? Claims not based on a service-connected disability will result in the VA issuing a determination that you do not meet the definition of service connection in VA Regulations. If you received an initial letter from VA stating your claim was not within the definition of disability compensation, consider the following facts. You were diagnosed with a service-connected disability, and You received care through a health care personnel who provided you with a comprehensive evaluation (e.g., medical examinations, treatment, and other services). You must now prove that your disability is service-connected. If your claim is accepted, you will be notified of a decision regarding your claim within 45 days of the receipt of the application and/or claim statement. The VA will not pay for care that it deems not to meet the definition of disability compensation. Your compensation will also only apply to services you receive or that you receive immediately after you become disabled, and/or to periods of inactivity or other periods of incapacity. You may have to pay back some or all of the compensation if you receive care that is more beneficial than necessary to meet your needs.
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